Kapchorwa training camp week 4

My longest run ever

Time to make the most of the training camp. At least until a few days before the return journey home. I'm taking it easy the last few days, so I don't travel while I'm too tired, to reduce the risk of illness. The last week has offered some exciting training sessions. One of them was a 1000m threshold session with a couple of Norwegians who have also found their way to Kapchorwa. Senay Fissehatsion and Sondre Nordstrand who both have run under 29min on 10k before. We ran the session on the dirt track in town.

chemwania_trackIntervals on Chemwania track.

A few days later I ran the Kapchorwa Hill Challenge. The same route used for the Ugandan Mountain Champs in 2022. I ran from the big junction in town to the HATC. It is 10.6k with 680m of climbing and goes from 1930m to 2570m altitude. The climb has a couple of short descents and varies a lot in gradient and has sections as steep as 13-15%. Impossible climb to get a good rhythm on. I ran it in 49.22min with an average pace of 4:42min/km. Would be great to see others try the climb one day.

Later that day we went to the most popular place in the area. Sipi Falls. Also here other tourists are to be found. An area with some beautiful waterfalls and some caves. A cool place to go for a run for a bit of a change.

sipi_fallsWaterfall at Sipi Falls.

The next day we went to the top of Mt. Elgon. Rough trip that ended up being 43km long. I've never run longer than 35km before, so it was pretty cool to push that limit a bit. It didn't make it any easier that there was also almost 3000m of climbing on the whole trip. Read more about that trip here.

That made it three weeks in a row with just over 170km.

mt_elgon_getting_homeOn the way home where we ran into a bit of trouble.

The last couple of days I took it easy. Actually not particularly tired after the mountain long, which I was a little surprised about. But maybe it sits a little more in the body than I just feel right now and here.

Now the trip goes to Denmark, where the training continues towards the spring competitions.

The trip in totals:

  Totals Average
Nights at altitude 28 nights  
Total time runnning 53:34 hours 13:22 hr/week
Total distance 619.9 k 155 k/week
Climb 16020 m 4005 m
Intens sessions 10 sessions 2.5 sessions/week
Runs over80min or 20k 10 sessions 2.5 sessions/week
Strength sessions 5 sessions 1.2 sessions/week


 Check this out to see a video of the whole Uganda trip.